The LORD is my chosen portion and my cup;
you hold my lot.
The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places;
indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance.
I bless the LORD who gives me counsel;
in the night also my heart instructs me.
I have set the LORD always before me;
because he is at my right hand, I shall not be shaken. (Ps. 16:5–11)
Favorite Photo:
Favorite thing we are doing this month:
1. Final Rangers Home Stance: During the Rangers v. Mariners game Adrian Beltre retires! Yes, its very sad after years of being with the Texas Rangers he tipped his hat to the crowd, cried, and walked off the field. Adrian Beltre on what could have been his last home game with Rangers: "This is the first time I’m actually thinking of packing and maybe not coming back. That’s where it is. ... Mentally, I’m ready for whatever decision I’m going to make. It was a weird day today.'' Beltre has openly contemplated retirement, stating this season that he’s not sure if he will be back next season. With that in mind, the Rangers decided to take him out in the middle of Sunday’s home finale against the Seattle Mariners to give him a moment to receive the recognition from his teammates and fans that he deserves. Beltre has been with us since 2011 and we have loved every minute of having him with us as the Rangers 3rd baseman. He is going to be
missed by not only Rangers fans, but baseball fans all over.
2. Small Foot: We have been waiting for this movie for months! Every since we say it advertised back at the beginning of the year we have been waiting and waiting to get to see it! Finally I wont advance screening tickets and we got to watch it. It was most definitely worth the wait. We laughed so hard during this movie. You loved the goat the most and is weird crazy antics. Since you will be reading this years later small foot is a movie based on the view from the big foot.
3. Rangers Field Day: Once a year the Rangers open up Globe Life Park for all the season ticket holder fans to play catch on the field, do the ball park tour, hit balls in the Rangers batting cages, go visit the press box,
pitch in the Ranges bullpen, catch pop flies and catch in the visitors bullpen. They always have alumni Rangers teaching the kids hitting, catching and pitching techniques that make this a unique and wonderful opportunity.

4. Autism Walk: For the last 2 years my job has sponsored the Autism Walk and we have worked the booth and did the 5K walk. You love going booth to booth to see what all the vendors are doing and what goodies they have. You will also help out the vendors when you see they need things too. This year though it was cold, rainy and windy. Not a very fun event, but it went on nonetheless.

missed by not only Rangers fans, but baseball fans all over.
2. Small Foot: We have been waiting for this movie for months! Every since we say it advertised back at the beginning of the year we have been waiting and waiting to get to see it! Finally I wont advance screening tickets and we got to watch it. It was most definitely worth the wait. We laughed so hard during this movie. You loved the goat the most and is weird crazy antics. Since you will be reading this years later small foot is a movie based on the view from the big foot.

pitch in the Ranges bullpen, catch pop flies and catch in the visitors bullpen. They always have alumni Rangers teaching the kids hitting, catching and pitching techniques that make this a unique and wonderful opportunity.

Favorite Stories:
Weird Drake Sayings: Strangely enough you are not saying anything especially Drakish this month. You have been pretty "normal" in your saying. you are back to the your mamma jokes and you really love the "your hairline" and "ashy ankles" jokes for some reason. You and your friend love saying these along with "that's what she said" and "that's what your mamma said" etc.
Height/Weight: I am honestly not sure-you did not have to go to the MD this month, but I am betting its close to what it was last month :)
If you had extra money.... You would spend it on Fortnight VBucks to buy pro skins or dances and add ons to your characters.

The book that has affected you the most....You still are into the Dog Man and Captain Underpants books. You love the fliporama that are in the books and its really helping you with your reading skills tremendously. We pretty much own every one of the books and you keep waiting for the author to put a few more out so we can get them.
Your greatest fear: Still being left alone. You wanted to be home after school instead of going to daycare, but you get scared being alone so you have your friend Jayvion stay with you until I get home since he also hates being alone. Its not too bad during the regular week, but when there are days the school is closed you call me all day at work just to feel like I am there and you are not alone.

Favorite foods: Pretty much junk food is your favorite food right now! I am having a hard time getting you to eat regular food. You seem to want hot Cheetos, hot fries and all takis. You do really love orange chicken still and any stir fry.
Music you are loving: Michael Jackson, but not just any M.J. you are loving his music from when he was a teenager with the Jackson 5. Your favorite songs right now is ABC and Don't Stop Till You Get Enough

Favorite You Tubers: Still this brother and sister (Sis vs. Bro)duo you really seem to like. They do alot of fun challenges and tell jokes and make each other touch gross things. You also still love Dude Perfect and all their tricks, flipping and stunts.

TV Shows: Total Drama Island-We pretty much watch this every single night until you have to go to bed. Its actually a pretty cute show and I really like spending the time with you. This animated series from Canada spoofs survival programs by recounting the misadventures at Camp Wawanakwa, an island retreat where 22 teens compete in extreme challenges while vying for the $100,000 grand prize. Every three days, at a campfire ceremony, the host passes out marshmallows to players who are safe. The sad camper who doesn't get a marshmallow must walk down the Dock of Shame to the Boat of Losers, which will bear him back to his mundane life.

Games you are into: Fortnight- you love this game pretty more than anything else right now. this is an online video game that Epic Games put out that has you killing each other, zombies like creatures and defend objects with fortifications you build. You have Save the World, Battle Royal and waiting on the next addition to come out. You seem to really enjoy the shooter-survivor games. You also like that you can play against 100 other gamers from all over the world at the same time or join squads and team up with your friends against every other squad. Right now you play under the gamer tag: FatYogiBear06 or CozyStream98