Scripture Verse: Ecclesiastes 3:1-8King James Version (KJV)
3 To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:
2 A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;3 A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up;
4 A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;
5 A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;
7 A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;
8 A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.
New Things: You go to take your very first airplane trip alone and to another state for your sweet 16! Yep, you went all the way to Moses Lake, Washington to visit your buddies Blake Russo and Grace Anderson. It was great timing since Blake also had just turned 17 the weekend before. You went from Thursday to Sunday (joys of homeschooling!) and although the flight going out was rough with delays an missed connecting flights, you had a blast once you got to see your friends. You got kicked out of Walmart for acting like clowns, riding bikes around the store and playing like you were all 2 years old. You got to hang at the park, go to the movies, and just have fun with your friends and not worry about anything else for a few days. you came back home on cloud nine, with the stress gone from your face and a joyful look and attitude that stayed for the rest of the week. I know you cannot wait till you can go back again and see them all. Plus, you got Blake's hoody FINALLY after almost 3 years of begging, pleading and manipulating, that you go around wearing everyday and smelling. lol.
Things you Enjoy:
1. Music-not just any music, no, but the botty bumpin rap music that I cannot stand! Yes, you love Drake, Nikki Maniage (however you spell it) and a whole bunch of other people I would rather just not know existed. Its not the music necessarily. The first concert I went to was Run DMC, and Salt N Peppa, but it was a different type of music all together than what Rap has evolved into. Now it seems to only be about husslin or about drugs, liquor, guns, gangs, sex and everything demoralizing to women. It infuriates me that you love it, which I secretly think is why you love it so much. What happened to the good dope days? (lol) Where did the rock music go (the ones without the cussing, drugs, sex, etc)? I miss those days? Where did your love of Christian rock music go? Why oh why of all music is this the genre you like? I blame Aaron, just FYI. Before him you hated 98% of rap music for the same reason I did. Now, its all glam and glitz to you. GGRRRRR Aaron. Stupid boys warping my fragile little innocent angel into......this....this rap loving little non-innocent angel. Oh how I miss the girl of 12. can I have her back please? Just for a weekend? 13 and up have really been.....well, not so much fun :( Momma misses her baby girl. When I could shelter you from the cruelty and reality of this world. If I could turn back time. (hehe, another song reference.) Oh well, all things in season. I love you despite your love of rap music. lol FYI, being a mom is hard work.
2. Boys- GGGRRRRR they keep my up at night. The things they think about. the things they want to do with you. The "alone" time they want. They way they look at you, like your their personal candy store and are open for business. Boys are the devil. Remember that and we will do good. :) Ok so they are not the devil, they just have overly devilish thoughts at this age. Can we skip the teenage years please? the offer for being my 12 year old princess still stands. Any takers? Any? OK then 16, hormonal, and into boys and music and art it is. When I go gray, re-read this post and you will know why.
3. Driving- Yep, your sweet 16 gift was getting to go to Washington, getting a Rebel 2 camera, and getting your drivers license! Way too much for your poor momma's heart, just so you know. But, (yes, I know its improper, BUT, I am starting my sentence this way anyhow!) you are officially enrolled in parent taught drivers education and on your way to getting your license. One more step closer to being a grown up. Sigh. Its a happy/sad sigh. You have been driving for a year already, so you have gotten pretty good, but figured we should make you legal! Next step, saving for a junk car for you. Your insane if you think you are getting a brand new car, or an expensive used car with the statistical data of teenagers who wreck their car in the first 2 years! Nope, we have decided we will each put no more than $1,500 toward the total price of a good used car, that we both wont cry for years over if it gets totaled out. Basically I put up, however much you put up, with a max of $1,500. With driving though comes great responsibility my young grasshopper. You also get the lovely joy of carting around siblings!!! YES! Finally some help in the errands. I might actually love this arrangement after all, but first things first. Learners Permit, drivers license, car, then errand girl! Oh yea, momma's got big plans already.
4. Annoying your little brother-Your brother, yes Drake, who loves you and worships the ground you walk on and the air you breathe, seems to have this unique talent of annoying the crap out of just by existing in the same space you accompany. You see him and get agitated.He speaks, you are annoyed. He breathes and you grumble. The poor boy can do nothing right by you, yet lives to be near you. I remember when you loved him as much as he loves you. How I pray for those days to return. Days when you could not wait for him to be awake so you could cuddle, watch TV, play games, and just be together. Then BAM 13 hit and he became your mortal enemy in life who is out to destroy and annoy you and you alone. Oh and I am not being melodramatic, which I am sure you are thinking as you read this. I can see the roll of the eyes and the disgusted look of indifference on your face already. You went from loving him to do not touch me, stay away, don't come in my room, don't talk to me, don't exist in life. Yet, despite all "the love" you show your baby brother, every night he still sneaks into your room, crawls up into your bed and sleeps with you till you so lovingly push him off the bed in the am, disgusted once again. For a brief moment in time though, he gets the love and connection he use to have with you. How I want those days back as well.
AHG: This month we worked toward something you actually enjoyed-your photography badge. You got to show off your skills,and your new camera! It is always hit and miss with finding badge work you really enjoy doing, so its fun when your face lights up when we are there.
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