Scripture Verse:
Proverbs 18:24 " One who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruin; but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother. "
Weird Drake Sayings:
"When I'm 12 I'll be out in the big world so you wont have to worry about me." This came from me talking to Dawson about if he is going to keep living with us or going to move to his moms over the summer. You said it so random we both just turned and looked at you.
No MD visit this month
Things You Enjoyed:
You like having me sing you songs again at night time and scratching your back. Something you have not wanted me to do in almost a year and now you ask for it every night. Its really cute because when I finish signing one song, you start into the next one you want me to do. Even after all these years that last song you want me to sing is still Amazing Grace. Now though you added in a new song, I Can Only Imagine by Mercy Me that you want me to sing half way through our song list. I think this one came about because I took yo to see the true story movie of the lead singer and you really enjoyed the movie. You have watched it 3 times already.
Your Most Important Goal right Now:
To go to the Appleseed Academy for summer instead of staying at King Arthur's Castle. You have been at the Appleseed since you were really little and you love this place and they love you. Barbara and Scarlett treat you like family and really love and dote on you. This is actually the last year you can go to daycare and I know how it important it is for you to end in the place you started. So on June 11th you got your wish that you have been talking about since around Feb of this year and you are now back at the Appleseed Academy.
2 People who occupy your thoughts the most:
Delaney- who you worry about all the time and want to know she is safe, who she is dating, is she eating, did she play with friends, did she spend time with her dad, did mommy talk to her...and on and on. You are kind of obsessed with your sister still and as much as she complains I know she secretly loves it because she talks about you all the time too. :)
Friends: You want to go and play with someone every single day when I get you from daycare. Right now its still Ant Ant (Anthony) who lives in the apartments by grandma, and more recently friends from Hanby Elementary that you ran into at Game Trader: Dalton and Austin. I keep trying to arrange play dates but its been hit and miss and you dont go often enough for your liking.
If you had extra money....
You would spend every penny at Game Trade or one one of your field trips you take with daycare.
The book that has affected you the most....
Nibbles: The Book Monster . You really enjoy this book and how Nibbles eats his way through everything to go on new adventures. The lady who wrote the books actually worked at Appleseed Academy so you are bonded with her and love talking about these 2 books she has and the Nibbles stuffed animal that you have.
Your greatest fear:
You are back to being scared of being abandoned by me. Something I though you got over, but apparently it just took a small hiatus and came back. I blame your dad for this one because he always disappeared and we never knew when or if he would be back. You had gotten really good about knowing I always come back, but after my trip to Morocco last year I started noticing you getting more clingy about this and calling my phone when i was even 5 minutes late. You would rather keep me on the phone and talk to me until I get home then let me hang up and wait. When I do hang up, you keep calling every 30 seconds to make sure I am still coming.
Struggles and Accomplishments:
We just got your STAAR results and even though this is your 2nd year in 4th grade, you still could not meet the standards to pass the test. You are in the 3rd percent for writing, 5th percent for math and 9th percent for reading. For reading your score was 1311 and you needed to have at least a 1550 to meet grade level. For reading last year you scored a 31 overall and you got the same for this year. You needed a 56 to pass the approaching grade level and 75 to actually hit grade level. For math you scored 21 last year and 24 this year. You needed to have 53 points to meet grade level. For writing last year you got 31 points, but for some reason this year you only managed to get 22, a dramatic drop. you needed 52 to pass. You still get to go into the 5th grade since I already retained you once, but I'm so concerned over the gap and how much larger it gets each year from what you should know to what you can actually retain and learn with your disabilities. Sometimes I think I take this harder than you do and other days you are the one that is distraught. I do know that God has plans for you and He is in complete control. Everyone's trials and struggles in life are different and this might be the cross that you have to bear daily and I will make sure I support you and encourage you. I know you can accomplish great things in this world and this is only one small part of who you are and not the defining part Iam worried about. I much rather you have good character and grow into a man of God than be the smartest boy in school. You have an amazing, kind and gentle soul.

TV Shows:
1. Little Rascals: You are really into The Little Rascals right now. I guess you watched one at daycare and fell in love with Alfalfa. You go around the house quoting parts of the shows. Right now you keep saying” take that back you little Jewish priest” and “ Do you know how to make a SANDwhich…that ain’t no sandwich that’s kitty litter.”

Home for Imaginary Friends: A show literally about imaginary friends. Bloo is Mac's best friend in the whole world, but Mac's mom thinks he's too old for an imaginary friend so Boo livrs at Fosters house. Frankie helps keep things under control, and Mac is always
stopping by to see Bloo, Eduardo, Wilt, Coco, Cheese and other residents.
Games you are into:
Candy Land, Battle Ship, Mario Kart Monopoly, Uno.
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