Saturday, April 30, 2016

What I Love About Drake April 2016

Scripture Verse:
Exodus 31:33 and I have filled him with the Spirit of God, with wisdom, with understanding, with knowledge and with all kinds of skills—

New Things:
This is actually the saddest thing we had to do this year and that was put Gizmo to sleep. He got cancer that spread and we could not stop it. The vet was really nice and let us spend almost 5 hours with him playing and loving on him before we had to put him down. We got to feed him a cheeseburger, talk him for a walk and just let him know how much we cared for him. We stayed until his heart stopped beating so he did not have to spend one second alone. 

The happiest thing we did this year so far was go to Midevil Times together. We had never been and on a whim we decided to spend the money and go enjoy ourselves for a night. We had the green knight, which only made sense and even though our knight did not win, we had a great time of dinner and torment :)

Weight: 61.1 lbs
height 53"
BP 96/57
Pulse: 95

About once a month our church has tried to start doing something with the younger kids. This month you went to the "farm" and practiced your archery skills and fishing skills. You had a blast and came back closer to your leaders and the other kids in your Sunday school class. This was also the last month for AWANA. You almost made it through your book but had 4 more versus to say. What bite was if I would not have been sick one day you would have completed it and earned your book reward that you really, really wanted to get before we moved. :( Feeling disappointed. 

Things you Enjoyed:

This month you have been like a walking musical. You go around singing all sorts of crazy songs and dancing like a crazy boy. You love the Whip and Nae Nae song/dance and do it everywhere we go just impromptu. Between that and going back to the song "What does the fox say?" we have reached a weird point in our home. I do enjoy watching you do the dances and it make me laugh alot by being weird. 

"Watch Me (Whip / Nae Nae)"

You already know who it is
Gonna do it for me

Now watch me whip (Kill it!)
Now watch me nae nae (Okay!)
Now watch me whip whip
Watch me nae nae (Want me do it?)

Now watch me whip (Kill it!)
Watch me nae nae (Okay!)
Now watch me whip whip
Watch me nae nae (Can you do it?)

Now watch me

Ooh watch me, watch me
Ooh watch me, watch me
Ooh watch me, watch me
Ooh ooh ooh ooh

Ooh watch me, watch me
Ooh watch me, watch me
Ooh watch me, watch me
Ooh ooh ooh ooh

Do the stanky leg (stank)
Do the stanky leg (stank stank)
Do the stanky leg (stank)
Do the stanky leg (stank stank)

Now break your legs (break 'em, break 'em)
Break your legs (break 'em dog)
Tell 'em "break your legs" (break 'em, break 'em)
Break your legs (break 'em dog)
Tell 'em "break your legs" (break 'em, break 'em)
Break your legs (break 'em dog)
Tell 'em "break your legs" (break 'em, break 'em)
Break your legs (break 'em dog)

Now watch me
Bop bop bop bop bop bop bop bop bop
Now watch me
Bop bop bop bop bop bop bop bop bop

Now watch me whip (Kill it!)
Now watch me nae nae (Okay!)
Now watch me whip whip
Watch me nae nae (Want me do it?)

Now watch me whip (Kill it!)
Watch me nae nae (Okay!)
Now watch me whip whip
Watch me nae nae (Can you do it?)

Now watch me

Ooh watch me, watch me
Ooh watch me, watch me
Ooh watch me, watch me
Ooh ooh ooh ooh

Ooh watch me, watch me
Ooh watch me, watch me
Ooh watch me, watch me
Ooh ooh ooh ooh

Now watch me yule (Soulja)
Now watch me superman (okay!)
Now watch me yule (Soulja)
Now watch me superman (okay!)

Now watch me yule (Soulja)
Now watch me superman (okay!)
Now watch me yule (Soulja)
Now watch me superman (okay!)

Now watch me duff, duff, duff, duff, duff, duff, duff, duff (Hold on)
Now watch me duff, duff, duff, duff, duff, duff, duff, duff, duff

Now watch me
Bop bop bop bop bop bop bop bop bop
Now watch me
Bop bop bop bop bop bop bop bop bop

Now watch me whip (Kill it!)
Now watch me nae nae (Okay!)
Now watch me whip whip
Watch me nae nae (Want me do it?)

Now watch me whip (Kill it!)
Watch me nae nae (Okay!)
Now watch me whip whip
Watch me nae nae (Can you do it?)

Now watch me

Ooh watch me, watch me
Ooh watch me, watch me
Ooh watch me, watch me
Ooh ooh ooh ooh

Ooh watch me, watch me
Ooh watch me, watch me
Ooh watch me, watch me
Ooh ooh ooh ooh
Crank dat

When you are not being a walking musical, you want to play sports (baseball mainly), your x-box (call of duty ghosts, and baseball/hockey), playing board games (chutes and ladders, game of life, candy land and connect four), or playing baby with me (I pretend to be a baby that is always 3 years old and you are the daddy taking care of me). Baby is probably absolute favorite thing to play and you get really mad at me if i do not want to play it and you have to pick something else. I dont know why you like this game so much or even how it got started ( I think I was doing a "Bobby" impression that a comic use to do and you fell in love with it), but you can spend hours literally playing this game. 


You did quit a bit with your troop this month. The manly man even which consisted of hiking, zip lines, building fires/fire pits, hatchet throwing, outdoor cooking, archery and rope walking and tree climbing I think was your favorite thing you did though. I was a little ticked off because you lost my camping backpack and your brand new Dallas Stars lunch box, but eventually I will get over it. You though had a blast and spent days telling me about it. The other really exciting thing you did was going to practice your archery skills. I don't think you ever get tired of shooting arrows. 

Generation Outdoors: Every single thing our GO group put on the scheduled was rained out all month long! it was quite depressing.We were to go camping on 2 separate occasions and both fell through, were were going to rock climb, fell through. Then we were going to do archery, bust as well. Just was not a good month for GO. 

Saturday, April 2, 2016

What I Love About Drake March 2016

Scripture Verse: Peace-"Loving Father, let my children make every effort to do what leads to peace." (Rom. 14:19) &
Faith—"I pray that faith will find root and grow in my children's hearts, that by faith they may gain what has been promised to them." (Luke 17:5-6Heb. 11:1-40)

Unknown- I simply forgot to write it down when we went in for your monthly check up. I know I am a bad mother :) We will go with it is close to what is was last month and less than what it will be next month!

Things you Enjoyed: 
Celebrating your Yogi's birthday. He is officially 6 years old today and you felt he needed pampering. You let him sleep with your blanket, rubbed his belly extra long and sang him happy birthday. He was very pleased and very smug like he always is. After all he is King Yogi in his own mind. 

Your other highlight was actually playing at school. Things have been going good at school this month. No arguments, no meetings with your teacher and you are sitting with your classmates again instead of on your own. You have not had to miss any PE, recess or music and art classes at all this month which is huge for you! You have come home happy every day and I love seeing this in you! 

TLUSA: This month we had our big family get together for a meal at church. You had to cook a hot-dish and dessert to get a branch you had been working on so you made a chicken and rice hot-dish (along with 1/2 of the other boys in the troop!!!) and you made cookies. The party was fun and you earned your branch, but you wont get it till June at the Awards Ceremony. 

Generation Outdoors: This month you guys took in a basketball game and you watched the Heat and the Mavs I think. I am not 100% sure. I know your uncle Shane went with you, but you did not want him to sit with you and your mentor so he sat someplace else. You are weird like that. You like for your Uncle to go, but then leave you to do your own thing. You just like knowing someone is there, just in case. 

Church: We went this huge Easter Event this year at a neighboring church for their Pre-Easter events and you had a blast. You got pictures taken with the Easter bunny, ate breakfast with the bunny, played in the petting zoo, played trashcan pong (similar to beer pong), hunted for eggs of course, and just had a great time of running around, making friends and being a little boy that was carefree and really happy. You got to make huge bubbles with sticks and rope, which were actually pretty awesome, played l with the Easter Bunny and real bunnies all while never leaving the comfort of your pajamas. Life is good and God is great! 

The Easter Bunny is getting trickier :)
Compassion International: This month we did a event that showed what children from other places around the world lived like. Kids in 3rd world countries that live in extreme poverty and need help to get an education, food, medical care, clothing, etc. As a family we have sponsored 2 other little boys, but your sister wanted to find someone to sponsor. We went through 5 different homes from 5 different places where current children need sponsored. We all learned alot and really enjoyed the experience to see how God is using not only us, but these children from around the world. 

Friday, April 1, 2016

What I Love About Delaney March 2016

Scripture Verse:
John 1:5

The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.

New Things: Nothing that Iam aware of for this month. Pretty stable in your world and we have been boring doing the same things that seem to work, so why fix it? Although I am sure there is a new boy we could place here. OH we did go to a Compassion International event and you picked a girl to sponsor so that was pretty new. She shares close to your same birthday. The event let us go through homes that show the conditions that the children live in, things they do to help out, have fun and where they are now thanks to sponsors.

Things you Enjoyed: Our Tuesday mother/daughter day of course and nothing else :) OK maybe a couple other things, but really are they better than our day? No I think not either. Tuesdays pretty much top the charts. I guess I can give you watching horror movies, seeing me attempt to eat sour candy, causing me to have panic attacks by silly things you do, hanging out with people other than me (although I cannot for the life of me understand why), having your alone time to recharge, hanging out outside on your phone talking to everyone under the sun, making videos.

Your Style: Grunge I would say. You love jeans, loosely fit t shirts that hang off your shoulder or mid-drifts. You like funky tights, big chunky boots and makeup that is too dark some times. I don't mind your style, but I would make your short 2 inches longer, your shirts 3 inches longer and then I could sleep at night better. I hate the way boys stare at you when you walk by without any shame. I really want to punch them and tell them you are not a buffet open for business so they can drool elsewhere, but I bite my tongue and silently pray they run into a pole while they gawk.

mother/daughter day photo
Music:  Can I say horrendous without offending you? Its just really bad. All you want to listen to is rap music. This hard core, nasty, shake you bag side for money, get drunk, have sex, do drugs nasty music. To say I hate and despise it would be an understatement. There is not a strong enough word to tell you how I really feel about what you listen to. I don't mind all rap music. I listened to it growing up, but bands like RUN DMC, LL Cool J, Sir Mix Alot, TuPac, Beastie Boys, Cypress Hill, Outkast, Digital Underground, Lincoln Park, Naughty by Nature are all a thing of the past. Where did the heavy metal little girl I knew go? Where did my little girl go that loved Disney bands and boy bands?  (Heavy Sigh). Nope she is a thing of the past. I am going to hope that this is nothing more than a phase to irk me and that secretly you hate this music (using the term loosely) as much as I do and you are only listening to it because you know I hate it and you need to rebel against me so you can find your own identity. Is that too much to be asking right now? Hopefully in 10 years (sooner, really I dont mind) we can read this and laugh about it. Until then, I have pulled up my big girl panties and going to deal, while silently screaming and dying a little bit each day on the inside :) -just putting it out there how you are silently killing me. lol
mother/daughter day photo

AHG: We skipped this whole month because I did not feel up to going with everything else going on. I had to step back, prioritize and make some cuts out of my schedule to keep my sanity. This was one of the cuts I had to make. I was working every night or had some event I was involved in every night and I was drowning. I have a bad habit or not  saying no and overextending myself. This will be our last year with AHG. As much as I enjoy it, I got into for us to do together and you have started hating it so we decided together not to attend after this year.